
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Lose Five Kg Weight in One Month by Practicing Yoga

Ubqari Magazine - February 2014

Life is beautiful and charming and you can beautify it more by preserving your beauty. You will have to be more cautious about your health and beauty; particularly you will have to keep your eating habits in accordance to your physical activities.

Saira Ahmad

 It is commonly presumed that change in eating habits and behaviour along with over-eating has given birth to obesity. Junk food mostly includes items which not only cause obesity but also induces arthritis, hypertension besides raising cholesterol level, inducing heart problems and inferiority complex.

Food centres and barbecue corners scattered here and there which stimulate hunger, in fact, welcome many diseases. If not inherited, obesity is not an incurable disease. It is termed as disorder of prosperity because, on the other hand, people who take marginal diet never fall a prey to obesity. High calorie food, less physical activity and over-eating pave way for obesity. Parents of girls get worried if this issue is not addressed and resort to courses offered by slimming centres so that their children may not face any problem in future by becoming a laughing stock. Obesity offers equal problems to men and women. Due to more physical activity, men get their calories burnt. Besides, men have low tendency to produce fat. Most importantly, fat men do not face problems at the time of marriage but women do. Probably this is the reason that slimming centres have more women as compared to men; aspirant of losing more weight in fewer days.

Complaints of Dieting Women: Women who practice dieting, complain that taking food sparingly causes weakness, fatigue and makes the complexion of skin dull. To avoid these complaints, nutritionists devise food plans to lose weight which keep people from going to slimming centres. Diet plans provide high protein diet which does not decrease the vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates; and one does not feel fatigue.  This diet contains proteins; yogurt, boiled chicken, pulses, boiled egg, almond and cottage cheese. This helps losing weight in few months.

Five Kg Weight Loss By Yoga Practice: I got amazed by discussion of anxious lady who had joined slimming centre and paid a remarkable fee. Decision to join slimming centre was made on the pretext when her proposal was refused because of her bulky phsique although her beauty was admirable. She had reduced her weight by five Kg by practicing yoga and areobics. She was committed to assume ideal physique by the virtue of consistent work out. Such examples are rampant in our society.

It is important that we promise ourselves that we have to reduce our weight. Simple food must be given preference. Diet must include more fruit, vegetable, pulses and less meat. Fresh food must be best-loved. Junk food must be avoided. Adding morning walk to routine is appreciable. Doing household chores will keep one busy in physical activity. A little attention and concentration satisfactorily answers this problem.

You might have heard that there are two kinds of people in this world. The first ones who live for eating and the other ones who eat only to live. If you fall in the category of the people who live to eat, then most probably you would be the one having no aim of life and more prone to problems. Whereas people belonging to other class are busy and spend active life. There is an expression: “When I see a person stuffing too much food, I wonder if he has beastly instinct and I get assured that the person thinks with belly, not with brain”.

Life is beautiful and charming and you can beautify it more by preserving your beauty. You will have to be more cautious about your health and beauty; particularly you will have to keep your eating habits in accordance to your physical activities.

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